Monday, 6 February 2017

The Divine Comedy - To the Rescue (2016)

Anyone that has been around mUsistenZ for some time knows how deeply I admire Mr. Hannon's work, specially if we're talking about The Divine Comedy.
Unfortunately, I'm drowning in sorrow as I write these words and admit this sad, sad true, The Divine Comedy's "Foreverland" is too bad to be real.
I know that everyone's career has its ups and downs, but this one really shocks me. It was the first time, in 25 years,  that I didn't buy an album of The Divine Comedy.
I have a big request for Mr. Hannon: make The Divine Comedy great again! Please!!!
However, among a tremendous dose of pure banality, we can find a beautiful, gorgeous and amazing song called "To the Rescue".
It has that kind of magic melody, arrangements and poetry that made The Divine Comedy such a reference for me.
Hope you like it!


  1. Eu sabia!
    E bem te dizia que apesar de toda a "porcaria" que vai por este album a fora, havia um classico em perspectiva... Ba la entao, To the rescue!!! ;)

    1. O disco é de uma banalidade confrangedora.
      Valha-nos esta "To the Rescue".
      É, sem sombra de dúvida, um novo clássico ;)
      Deixa-me só fazer notar a fusão que parece perpassar todo o tema; um misto de "Lady of a Certain Age", "Our Mutual Friend" e (por que não?) "Lucy".
